Places to Party

Monday, March 2, 2015

Grandma Jessie's Apple Trees

My mother always said that Grandma Jessie said the best apples for pie were Northern Spies. They held their shape and tasted great so every time I can, I search out this variety.

I would love to know where this apple got it's name.

Anyway, Spring is supposedly only 20 days away in the northeast but you'd never know with the evil snow mother nature keeps blanketing us with. So I'm nestled in my warm home dreaming of warmer days of gardens, sun and warmth... and starting the garden planning for this year.

I was able to find my own Northern Spy apple trees through Stark Nursery. I bought two and cannot wait to plant them in the front yard. The apricot tree is going to get bumped off and put in the back somewhere as after ten years it has yet to produce fruit so it hasn't earned it's keep.

I have two sweet cherry trees in the back that I pray make it through this tough winter. One has already been replaced once so I'm crossing my fingers that they both make it. With as much snow as we've had, we should have a good insulated pack to keep them through.

And it is finally time to start the tomatoes, peppers and tomatillos. It takes so long for these to grow from seed that if you don't start them now, they'll never finish fruiting and ripening by the end of summer. Planting your own seeds allow you to experiment with colors, flavors and help to determine when you want your produce to be done. If you taste many different tomatoes, you'll be shocked at the differences in flavors, it's really like wine. Some may be very fruity, some more acidic and some even spicy. You can plant tomatoes in yellow, green, striped, orange, brown, purple and even black. It's so much fun to can what you've grown and see the different colors floating in the jars.

So, summer dreaming on such a winter's day.

Have faith friends, Spring is coming!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacey, don't fret, spring will come! As the Good Book says, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." ~ Genesis 8:22

    Thanks for sharing at the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week!
